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Re: Welche Fonts fuer X11 Terminals?

On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 02:47:26PM +0000, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
> Die Droid-Schriften sind durch den Nachfolger Noto abgeloest worden:
> https://github.com/googlei18n/noto-fonts

Und die wiederum gibt es als debian/ubuntu packages
fonts-noto              metapackage to pull in all Noto fonts 
fonts-noto-cjk          "No Tofu" font families with large Unicode coverage (CJK)
fonts-noto-hinted       "No Tofu" font families with large Unicode coverage (hinted) 
fonts-noto-mono         "No Tofu" monospaced font family with large Unicode coverage 
fonts-noto-unhinted     "No Tofu" font families with large Unicode coverage (unhinted) 

Sieht ganz brauchbar aus (konsole, 12pt, gruen auf schwarz).

Auch in in FreeBSD(pkg) ist das verfuegbar:

| [root@rabe ~]# pkg install noto
| Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
| FreeBSD repository is up-to-date.
| All repositories are up-to-date.
| The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):
| New packages to be INSTALLED:
|         noto: 1.0.4_1
|         fontconfig: 2.12.1,1
| Number of packages to be installed: 2
| The process will require 452 MiB more space.
| 292 MiB to be downloaded.
| Proceed with this action? [y/N]: ^Cpkg:
| signal received, cleaning up

... allerdings scheint das ein echtes Schwergewicht zu sein!
Deutlich leichtgewichtiger kommt "noto-lite" daher:

| [root@rabe ~]# pkg info noto-lite
| noto-lite-1.0.4
| Name           : noto-lite
| Version        : 1.0.4
| Installed on   : Thu Sep 29 22:18:30 2016 CEST
| Origin         : x11-fonts/noto-lite
| Architecture   : freebsd:10:x86:64
| Prefix         : /usr/local
| Categories     : x11-fonts
| Licenses       : APACHE20 and OFL11
| Maintainer     : kevlo@xxxxxxxxxxx
| WWW            : http://www.google.com/get/noto/
| Comment        : Google font family - lite version
| Annotations    :
|         repo_type      : binary
|         repository     : FreeBSD
| Flat size      : 3.78MiB
| Description    :
| Noto is Google's font family that aims to support all the world's languages.
| Its design goal is to achieve visual harmonization across languages.
| This is the light version.
| WWW: http://www.google.com/get/noto/

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