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Anforderungen an eine moderne Website


es wird Zeit, meine graessliche Webpraesenz endlich aufs Altenteil zu
schicken. Da ich mir die Loehne fuer deutsches Webdesign nicht leisten
mag, werde ich das kleine Projekt in ein Schwellenland vergeben. Vor
einer Stunde haette ich noch gesagt, ich wuerde das Projekt bei
freelancer.com ausschreiben, aber nachdem ich inzwichen endeckt habe,
dass man als ueber ein Jahr inaktiver Kunde pro Monat zehn Dollar
Strafe dafuer zahlen muss dass man sich nicht einlogged, muss ich mir
jetzt ein neues Outsourcingportal suchen.

Nichtsdestotrotz moechte ich gerne meinen (englischen)
Ausschreibungstext mal hier zur Diskussion stellen, und bei Euch
erfragen, welche Anforderungen ich vergessen habe zu stellen. Ich habe
keine Ahnung von Webdesign und habe wegen der kleinen Groesse der zu
vergebenden Arbeiten davon Abstand genommen, formell mit Pflichten-
und Lastenheft zu arbeiten.

Wenn Ihr was dazu zu sagen habt, bitte gerne.


Project: Simple Design (Web Site) using Open Source CMS

I am offering the project to design a web site using an Open Source
CMS of your choice from the following list: ikiwiki, dokuwiki, CMS
Made Simple, Drupal, Joomla, Typo3, Contao (formerly TypoLight),
Wordpress, Contenido.

I need a minimal web site with only a handful of pages. I'll deliver
the text, you deliver the design.

If you want to bid for the project, please show me your portfolio of
web pages that you have already done and state which CMS you would
like to use. I am especially interested any work done with the CMS of
your choice.

The only thing that already exists is a logo, which will be made
available to you upon winning the project. The Logo uses different
shades of blue. Later during the project, you will be provided with
the logo in the sizes you need.

I want basic page design for the CMS of your choice and the following
kinds of pages:

 - Home Page
 - "Content Page"
 - Imprint Page
 - a (working!) Web Form "I'm interested, please call me"
 - a (working!) Web Form to send mail to the site owner.
 - a nicely looking 403/404 error page for the CMS
 - a nicely looking 403/404 error page in static HTML to use as
   ErrorDocument in the apache web server.

The pages need to have navigation options to get back to the home page
and to the other content pages, and they need to have room for a
navigation panel of varying size. External links (for example, to a
Blog) need to be supported.

Before the actual implementation begins, I would like to see mock-ups
of a sample page in three different designs so that I can decide which
design will be used.

An installation of the CMS of your choice will be made available at
the beginning of the implementation phase to access over the Internet.          

My requirements are:

- CMS must be used in its current version, as-is, without patches to
  the CMS code
- The page needs to be barrier free
- compatible with Internet Explorer 8-current, Firefox, Opera,
  Safari. If the site looks good in older IE versions, that's a bonus.
  Please, no tricks to make the site look good in IE6.
- needs to display OK on mobile phones (Android, iPhone, Symbian,
  Windows Mobile)
- needs to display OK on text browsers (w3m, links, lynx)
- Resulting web pages need to be in valid XHTML 1.1 and CSS 2.
  Non-compliance caused by the CMS is OK as long as the web page
  displays fine.
- flash is not acceptable
- javascript functionality must not be essential, i.e. page must also
  function if javascript is disabled
- cookies must not be essential
- must not hinder tabbed browsing (as, all variants of "Open Link in
  new Tab" must actually lead to the link target being opened in a new tab)
- Back-Button must work in all cases
- No Pop-Ups!
- a usable print CSS must be delivered and selectable by a link on
  each page.
- If the CMS supports "download page as PDF", this feature must be used.
  Link must be available on each page.
- Layout must not be generated via tables
- "DIV soup" must be avoided
- page must be reasonably indexable by the major search engines.
- An XML sitemap compatible with the major search engine must be
- Malicious SEO techniques must not be used.
- material of others (pictures, graphics, page templates etc) may only
  be used if it can be used without a fee and without the requirement
  that the source is mentioned on the same page. Mentioning of the
  source in the imprint page of the web site is acceptable. Source of
  external material must be linked in the website documentation.
  Copyright documents for external material must be delivered.
- browser sniffing techniques are not acceptable

If a requirement is not fulfillable without modifications to the CMS
itself, document that and ignore the requirement.

Additional parts of the deal are useable templates for the Serendipity
blog software, Dokuwiki and Mediawiki that at least vaguely resemble
the design you made for the main site. Full integration is not
necessary and not desired, but the templates should include a link to
get back to the main site.

I expect you to hand over Copyright and Urheberrechte to the work to
me. This is a hard requirement, and the project won't be considered
done unless a document with this content has been written.

Marc Haber         | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Mannheim, Germany  |  lose things."    Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 621 31958061
Nordisch by Nature |  How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 621 31958062
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